Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Lazy Days

So, yes - I'm still alive. No - I haven't done anything house-related in the last week and a half :-/ Stan and I watched The Money Pit, which was unsettling haha. I've been very busy with all sorts of stuff, and I decided to take a fun day break Sunday because I feel like I haven't really done that in a long while, and it was great! I did get a nice visit from my real estate agent on Friday! Carl and Jeff came over and brought me a little housewarming gift of a book about raising chickens! That was so sweet of them :) Hopefully by next summer I'll be brave enough to tackle the back yard and build a chicken coop so I can have delicious fresh eggs and a few more cute pets :)

I got that flooring tool that Travis let me borrow, but haven't put it to use yet...soon though! My class this term just ended last night, and I've been very seriously considering taking a break this fall. I really feel like I need to put as much energy as possible toward getting at least the kitchen functional, and by freeing up an entire evening per week, plus the fact that I won't have to study or meet up with project partners or anything like that, will just be really beneficial. And anyways, the class I'm signed up for is "Intro to Building Systems", AKA, boring required class that doesn't have anything to do with being creative. I'm just waiting to hear back from my academic advisor to confirm that taking a break this term won't negatively affect me as a student.

I'm almost getting to the point where I want to start hiring some of this stuff out, just so it gets done in a timely manner. I'm still figuring out the cost/benefit analysis of doing things myself :P

Well, I have another busy weekend ahead so I'm not sure how much, if anything I'll get done on the house. I hope I have some updates to show you all soon!


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