Tuesday, August 7, 2012

More Bathroom Floors

Wow! Matty and Travis were able to work on the bathroom floor yesterday and it looks a thousand times better!

Eerie shot of light coming up from under the crawlspace

All fixed up with new plywood!

It's all ready for the vinyl tile, which hopefully I'll be able to do myself after class tonight, then I'll be able to have a toilet again! Yippee! :P



  1. Megan, I am really enjoying your adventures in homeownership so far! (Does that make me sound like an insensitive asshole who is enjoying your hard work and unpleasant surprises from a distance? Because I am.) We had a similarly gross rotten bathroom floor... can't even bring myself to start demo-ing the other one now. I am so impressed with all your hard work already, keep it up! You are an inspiration to all of us! :)

    1. Thanks Shauna! It's good to know I'm not the only one this kind of stuff happens to :P When the place is halfway decent I'll have everyone over for a game night and you can enjoy my hard work up close ;)
