Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Painted Kitchen?!

Here's a sneak peek at the painted kitchen!

Oooooh! Aaaaaah!

Slightly wet paint and only one coat. It's a blue-ish grey, and I painted the little alcove where the pantry will go a creamy yellow/white color (not pictured, obviously!) The great and powerful Wendy helped with this paint job as well, although I think I'm on my own for coat #2 :) I will have to steal Wendy again so she can take awesome pictures once it's all done! I'm not having the easiest time locating the backsplash I want to use (although I haven't been looking too incredibly hard yet) but hopefully that will be done soon too!


Tuesday, February 19, 2013

A Productive President's Day

I had the day off yesterday, woo hoo! I conned Wendy and Adam into coming over so they could help me with the house :) Wendy and I tackled the priming of the kitchen walls and ceiling:

Oooo la la! Fancy pants indeed!


It might be hard to tell, but all of the walls and the ceiling were essentially the color of the blinds that you see in the after picture...that same nasty yellowish-white that the entire house was when I started with it! The backsplash will cover the part that wasn't primed. Now the question is...which color(s) will I go with for the walls?? I think I'll stick with some shade of white for the ceiling though.

While we were in the kitchen, Adam offered to rip out all of the blackberry bushes in the back yard! For some reason I don't have a before picture...what is wrong with me?? Well, imagine if you will, tall dense blackberry bushes covering the entire back fence area. Here's how it looked after Adam had his way with it:

Die blackberries! Die!

I mean seriously, it's a huge difference. The yard looks so much bigger now too! I'll still need to get rid of those other piles of yard waste, and then who knows? Maybe I'll have the initiative to actually plant stuff for this coming summer!

And now for the negative furnace started blowing cold air last weekend. I tried what I could to fix it on my own (replaced the filter, re-set it based on the instructions on the inside panel) but resigned myself to  calling in a professional. It turns out it was the circuit board failing, and it won't be cheap :( But I need heat, right? Boo! Houses are expensive!

Well, I don't have too busy of a weekend coming up. If I can decide on a wall color for the kitchen and/or living room this week then I'll hopefully be able to check that off my list by the end of February!


Friday, February 1, 2013

Garage = Semi-Organized!

What?? I actually did something productive recently!? I'm having people over tonight, so I took this morning off work to clean and tackle the mess that is my garage. Here's what it looked like when I got started:

Box labyrinth!

And after, with my super awesome shelving storage units that my grandma got me for Christmas:

Box tetris!

Now I'll admit, those aren't all my boxes...I still have some that are filled with things to sell/donate all the way on the other side of the garage. And I really should go through all those boxes you see above because I'm sure they're filled with all sorts of useless stuff that I can rid myself of. It was nice to get everything up off the floor though. Garage organization part 2 will happen sometime in February...I promise!!
