Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Sorta-Kinda Productive Weekend

So I did something. Which is more than nothing. But not nearly as much as I should have. And the things that I did were things I should have done a long time ago!

  • I finally put the sealant on my butcherblock countertops. This will prevent water stains and it makes the wood look a bit richer. All in all, I put 4 coats on, with an average of 3 hours dry time between each coat.
I couldn't find a decent before picture...tsk tsk

  • I finally attached the metal "toe-kick" thing on my dishwasher. The guy who installed it said I should get this plastic thing to separate the wires (??? I really don't know) and after many failed attempts of trying to find what he was talking about and also almost losing a blueberry under the exposed part, I figured I'd finally just attach the darn thing.
  • I finally took my Christmas lights down from the house exterior. I couldn't quite reach all the gutter clips though so it still looks a bit ghetto.

I think the biggest reason I'm avoiding priming the kitchen walls is because it will be such an ordeal! I won't be able to just start painting. I'll have to wipe down the walls first, cover everything in drop cloths, tape off certain areas, and move the refrigerator and THEN I can start painting. Excuses, I know, but valid excuses! Maybe this Sunday? Hopefully this Sunday!


Friday, January 18, 2013

Long Weekend Ahead!

Can you see it?


Can you see the frost on my terribly un-mowed lawn? There was some on the roof too. I'm excited for the day when an inch or two blankets the house...it will look so cozy! Is there anything I need to know about snow and houses?

Anyways, I have Monday off for MLK JR day and I'm taking votes on what I should do:
  • Organize the garage
  • Prime the kitchen walls
  • Sleep in and watch TV
Annnnd go!


Monday, January 7, 2013

Checking In

Hello all! Well, it's been a week and a half since my last post and nothing, nada, zilch has happened with the house in that time. Well, besides me making my first lasagna ever! Here's a picture, since the blog has been severely lacking in the image department lately:


This past weekend I helped my super best friends Wendy and Adam move into their very own house (rental) here in Portland, which makes me very excited! Now that they'll be living in town, maybe I can trick them into coming over and helping more often? :) Actually, I think it would behoove me to make another renovation schedule because I definitely think it helped kick my butt into gear last time. Plus, recent weekends have been unusually nice and not rainy out, so it's hard to force myself to do non-fun stuff when I could be doing fun stuff :) I definitely think that because the rest of the things I need to do are almost purely aesthetic, I'm not getting that sense of urgency I had with getting the kitchen functional. So any motivation ideas are greatly appreciated!
