Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Checking In

Hey all! Well, this past weekend I had plans to physically do stuff with the kitchen, but then my trip to Ikea with Wendy...well, you know how those go :) I did make purchases directly related to the kitchen though! It's just the installation phase that never got completed. I still also need to make a backsplash-related decision before that will be finished, and I'll be able to do the big reveal! In other news, I've been dog-sitting for the past week +, which has been quite an adventure :) It made me realize that even though I now have the space, and now that I no longer have a landlord dictating the choice, I am not ready for a dog!

Aww but look how cute he is...

Kahlua wasn't a happy camper, but she got over it after a day or so. They even will put their faces next to each other without her hissing or him barking! He goes back to his mommy this evening, and then it's back to normal for me. I'm not sure how much I'll get done this weekend, if anything, because it's my last weekend before I go visit my Dad on the east coast. Plus, if you haven't heard the news already, next week is my last week at my current job! I start my new job the day after I get back from my trip. So basically, this weekend/next week will be busy and emotional. Oh and also I'm watching Wendy's dogs while she's in Disneyland. Oh and also I'm jealous that Wendy's going to Disneyland again :)

I had a plan to have a big party for my 30th birthday at my house, which will be the weekend after I get back from my trip/the weekend after the first week at my new job, but with all that's going on I think I'll do something else, and instead have a big party for my 1-year House-aversary sometime in late June! Hopefully I'll have a ton more done on the house by then too, and it can be my official housewarming party :)


Monday, April 8, 2013

Happy Spring!

Hellooooo! Is anyone still out there? There hasn't been much to say lately, so I wouldn't blame you if you stopped following along! I did actually make some progress this weekend though - long overdue (like, LOOOOOOONG overdue) - I mowed the lawn...for the first time since last summer! It was really bad...a good foot high in places. I don't have a before picture because it was just too embarrassing :P I will say it was so bad that I got a lawn care business card stuck in my mail box...oof!

Freshly mowed!

See all those clumps of grass? Yeah, I don't know what to do with them...they'll probably just die and fertilize the lawn. Those purple flowers were a nice surprise! I honestly wouldn't pin the previous owner for someone with a green thumb, but there are bulbs everywhere in the front of the house, and it's really pretty! Who knew!

In other news...Wendy came over last night and helped me with phase 1 of the kitchen backsplash! That's right, progress has been made in the kitchen :) I thought about posting a couple of pictures of what it looks like so far, but ultimately decided that I'll just post a bunch of progress pics when the whole thing is done. The hardest part is definitely over,  but some decisions need to be made before the next phase can be completed. I'm going to try and get a bunch done before I leave for my NY/PA/IL trip in just under a month...I'm planning on having a big party for my birthday and I won't have much time after the trip to prepare! Commence - April house blitz!
