As promised, nothing got done on the house this past week :) I think this was my last fully booked weekend of the summer though, so things should (hopefully) start happening again!
The floor levelling is finally FINALLY finished! There is still one little "hump" in the living room floor, but it's not that noticeable and to fix it would cost more than I'm willing to spend. Plus, it's very possible that it's just the memory of the floor beam that's keeping it this way and it will settle over time. That's what I'm hoping for! Because they took their sweet time finalizing the project, I'm going to take my sweet time paying them...I worked out a payment plan so they don't get all my money at once! Mwahaha!
I got confirmation from my academic advisor that taking a term off won't negatively affect me, so my school hiatus is official. I also have my Disneyland trip coming up in about 5 weeks, so I'm hoping that with less committments and a deadline looming, I'll actually make a dent in my to-do list! I woke up in the middle of the night last night freaking out about getting the kitchen finished in a timely I mentioned before, I'm really seriously considering hiring some stuff out, and that's just getting more and more likely at this point. If only this were my full time job instead of being the office monkey that I am! :P
Anywho, I promise a picture post by next Monday, maybe sooner! I'll make progress on the place this week if it kills me!
WOOOOOO! Disney trip!!