Well hello everyone! This has been a nice summer filled with nice weather and lots of house/dogsitting opportunities :) I'm currently house/dogsitting for my friends who are getting married in New York! Exciting! Unfortunately for you, that means I haven't had a thing to update on this here blog. Oh also and football season started, and you know what that means :P
Just wanted to check in and let you all know that I haven't abandoned you. Once the weather takes a turn, I'll have plenty of forced indoor time which will hopefully lead to more projects and more blog updates with substance! I hope I'll have something new for you soon...
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
Well hello there! I may sound like a broken record, but nothing has been done on the house since the vent fan install. As I said before, it cost more than I anticipated, which is a big factor, but I've also been housesitting/dogsitting this past week at a friends' place. Isn't she sooooo cuuuute?
I'm really happy with the vent fan so far. After purchasing the one I wanted, I read reviews which weren't the best, but I decided to go with it anyways, and I'm glad I did! I can leave the door open when I shower and the smoke alarm won't go off! The mirror isn't foggy anymore, the walls aren't damp anymore, and I don't feel like I'm still in a sauna when I'm toweling off. I'm really happy I got it done when I did, because come wintertime, I won't have to leave the bathroom window open all damn day!
I have a fairly busy weekend coming up (woohoo, volleyball tournament!) but the next couple aren't booked up yet so hopefully I'll be able to force myself to do *something* on the house. I haven't even put up any pictures/art on the walls...I need to remedy that!
Fluffy! |
I'm really happy with the vent fan so far. After purchasing the one I wanted, I read reviews which weren't the best, but I decided to go with it anyways, and I'm glad I did! I can leave the door open when I shower and the smoke alarm won't go off! The mirror isn't foggy anymore, the walls aren't damp anymore, and I don't feel like I'm still in a sauna when I'm toweling off. I'm really happy I got it done when I did, because come wintertime, I won't have to leave the bathroom window open all damn day!
I have a fairly busy weekend coming up (woohoo, volleyball tournament!) but the next couple aren't booked up yet so hopefully I'll be able to force myself to do *something* on the house. I haven't even put up any pictures/art on the walls...I need to remedy that!
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
It's Electric!
Yesterday I took a half day off work so I could get a vent fan installed in my bathroom! Woo! There was never any sort of venting in the bathroom, besides the small window, and it would get crazy steamy in there every time I'd shower. The very first time I showered in there, it was so bad that the smoke alarm in the adjacent hallway went off! Ever since, I've had to shower with the door closed, and leave it closed for a good 30 minutes after I got out to let the steam dissipate. Well no longer! I went with a combo light/vent fan and it looks really pretty (in my opinion) and matches the style and finish of the other fixtures I have in there.
While the guys were working, I decided to mow my lawn since I've been too busy to for the past couple of weekends. Since I have an electric plug-in mower, and since there were no exterior plugs anywhere on the house, I've been running the extension cord from the living room out under the front door...it was kinda ghetto :P Annnywho, I decided to ask how hard it would be to install an exterior plug and they said not too hard at all! (Mind you, I didn't factor in the extra cost that this ended up being...ooof.) But, I'm pretty happy with all the work that was done, and it's one (two!) more things I can check off my to-do list!
They had to install the vent fan housing slightly off-center and it bugs the crap out of me! However, they were restricted by the ceiling joists, so I'm just going to have to deal with it. That little hole you see to the right of the housing was an "accident"....grr! Not a big deal, I can just patch it up, but annoying nonetheless!
I tested out the fan this morning and it works great! It wasn't completely un-steamy when I got out of the shower, but I also didn't go too high on the CFM's for cost and noise reasons. I got an 80 CFM fan, which is double what I need for my 45 sq ft bathroom...I could have gone as high as 200+ but that would have been overkill!
I'm excited to mow the lawn and trim the bushes via the new outlet plug! That makes me weird...doesn't it? I'll also be able to plug Christmas lights into this puppy when the time comes! Yeehaw! Unfortunately this stuff cost a bit more than I was expecting, so I'll have to put some other projects on hold for the time being. I really need to just paint the hallway and spare bedroom since I have all of the supplies already!
While the guys were working, I decided to mow my lawn since I've been too busy to for the past couple of weekends. Since I have an electric plug-in mower, and since there were no exterior plugs anywhere on the house, I've been running the extension cord from the living room out under the front door...it was kinda ghetto :P Annnywho, I decided to ask how hard it would be to install an exterior plug and they said not too hard at all! (Mind you, I didn't factor in the extra cost that this ended up being...ooof.) But, I'm pretty happy with all the work that was done, and it's one (two!) more things I can check off my to-do list!
The housing for the vent fan |
They had to install the vent fan housing slightly off-center and it bugs the crap out of me! However, they were restricted by the ceiling joists, so I'm just going to have to deal with it. That little hole you see to the right of the housing was an "accident"....grr! Not a big deal, I can just patch it up, but annoying nonetheless!
Ahhh pretty vent fan/light...and quiet too! |
I tested out the fan this morning and it works great! It wasn't completely un-steamy when I got out of the shower, but I also didn't go too high on the CFM's for cost and noise reasons. I got an 80 CFM fan, which is double what I need for my 45 sq ft bathroom...I could have gone as high as 200+ but that would have been overkill!
The hole drilled for the external plug |
All finished up with waterproof box and cover! |
I'm excited to mow the lawn and trim the bushes via the new outlet plug! That makes me weird...doesn't it? I'll also be able to plug Christmas lights into this puppy when the time comes! Yeehaw! Unfortunately this stuff cost a bit more than I was expecting, so I'll have to put some other projects on hold for the time being. I really need to just paint the hallway and spare bedroom since I have all of the supplies already!
Thursday, July 11, 2013
It seems as though I've spent as much time on the yard in these past couple of months as I've spent on the entire house interior in the past year! One of the reasons I decided on a house over a condo was so I could have a yard - for growing vegetables, raising chickens (!!), maybe having a backyard bbq or two - but man, it is a TON of work to keep up with! I think it's especially hard for me, since I didn't grow up having any sort of yard to speak of...we had a slab of concrete in front of the apartment I grew up in, and dad was the gardener in the family. I remember having tomatoes, basil, and cactus fruit (yum!). There was also a time where we grew some HUGE sunflowers and eating the seeds was fun although not as tasty as the salty ones you buy at the store :P. Oh and we had grapes growing over an arbor, which was very cool in my opinion :)
But no lawn to speak of. And the few bushes that were street adjacent were taken care of by the landlord. Point is, I'm not used to any of this stuff, but it's something I've always (kind of) wanted. Enter my very own lawn...by estimations, I have 3000 sq feet of the stuff. Most of it is grass, but in the back yard there are a couple of small, funky looking trees, some bushes (some pretty, some not so much), and tons of invasive bamboo and blackberry bushes. I think I've got the front lawn mowing down...I go in a square spiral from the edges inward...not sure if it's the most efficient but it works for me! As I mentioned in this post, the back yard was left untouched for far too long, so long in fact that I had to hire someone to just get it down to manageable for me. I've since been keeping up with the mowing, but the ground is uneven in many places, and my mower inevitably ends up grinding down mounds of dirt, which go all up in my nostrils and I end up with black boogers (sorry, tmi!). I've also purchased a string trimmer for the places the mower can't get to, and it doubles as an edger (although I'm not too steady with it yet so I've made some janky looking edges, woops). And my newest yard related purchase is an electric hedge trimmer, which is actually really fun to use! I've pared down quite a few overgrown bushes with that puppy.
The only trouble I'm running into is that I basically fill up my compost/yard wast bin super quick, so I can really only do so much each week. I know there are those big paper bags you can buy for extra yard waste, but you have to pay the disposal company extra per each bag they pick up too. Well anyways, I know that I'm going to need help removing the bamboo and blackberry bushes...those suckers are apparently impossible to get rid of. I've actually contacted a couple of brush clearing companies to get quotes on how much it will cost to just level the back yard. And I mean get rid of everything...all I want is dirt back there so I can start with a clean slate. Of course though once that happens, the next thing I'll need to do is put in a fence. It's almost completely obscured now, but I know there's a chain link fence on 2 sides of the yard (the other side is just a hedge), which I definitely want to replace with wood for privacy. But how many thousands of dollars will that all cost?? Oof. Definitely a project for another time. So for now, I'll continue to mow and trim and compost one week at a time!
I have also been enjoying cooking more and more on my sexy range. Below is a one-pot creamy sausage pasta that I've made at least a hundred times lately :P
Well, busy weekend ahead (Wendy and Adam *finally* getting hitched!), but hopefully I'll have the gumption to do more interior work in the coming weeks. I NEED to paint! Somebody kick my butt into gear so I don't put it off any longer!
But no lawn to speak of. And the few bushes that were street adjacent were taken care of by the landlord. Point is, I'm not used to any of this stuff, but it's something I've always (kind of) wanted. Enter my very own lawn...by estimations, I have 3000 sq feet of the stuff. Most of it is grass, but in the back yard there are a couple of small, funky looking trees, some bushes (some pretty, some not so much), and tons of invasive bamboo and blackberry bushes. I think I've got the front lawn mowing down...I go in a square spiral from the edges inward...not sure if it's the most efficient but it works for me! As I mentioned in this post, the back yard was left untouched for far too long, so long in fact that I had to hire someone to just get it down to manageable for me. I've since been keeping up with the mowing, but the ground is uneven in many places, and my mower inevitably ends up grinding down mounds of dirt, which go all up in my nostrils and I end up with black boogers (sorry, tmi!). I've also purchased a string trimmer for the places the mower can't get to, and it doubles as an edger (although I'm not too steady with it yet so I've made some janky looking edges, woops). And my newest yard related purchase is an electric hedge trimmer, which is actually really fun to use! I've pared down quite a few overgrown bushes with that puppy.
The only trouble I'm running into is that I basically fill up my compost/yard wast bin super quick, so I can really only do so much each week. I know there are those big paper bags you can buy for extra yard waste, but you have to pay the disposal company extra per each bag they pick up too. Well anyways, I know that I'm going to need help removing the bamboo and blackberry bushes...those suckers are apparently impossible to get rid of. I've actually contacted a couple of brush clearing companies to get quotes on how much it will cost to just level the back yard. And I mean get rid of everything...all I want is dirt back there so I can start with a clean slate. Of course though once that happens, the next thing I'll need to do is put in a fence. It's almost completely obscured now, but I know there's a chain link fence on 2 sides of the yard (the other side is just a hedge), which I definitely want to replace with wood for privacy. But how many thousands of dollars will that all cost?? Oof. Definitely a project for another time. So for now, I'll continue to mow and trim and compost one week at a time!
My pretty yard tools |
Wooo tomato plant! You can see some green ones in there if you search carefully! |
I trimmed down the bushes at the front of the house - you can sort of see how overgrown these were in the picture below |
See? Off to the left? So bushy! |
I have also been enjoying cooking more and more on my sexy range. Below is a one-pot creamy sausage pasta that I've made at least a hundred times lately :P
Nom nom! |
Well, busy weekend ahead (Wendy and Adam *finally* getting hitched!), but hopefully I'll have the gumption to do more interior work in the coming weeks. I NEED to paint! Somebody kick my butt into gear so I don't put it off any longer!
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
Well, well, it's been exactly a year since I closed on the house! It really doesn't seem like it's been a full year, but the calendar doesn't lie. There have been many many times when I feel like not a lot has been done, because there is still so much more to do, but then I'll sometimes peruse back into this blog's archives and realize how much has changed!
My top 5 projects from the past year:
1. The Kitchen
When I finally had a fully functioning kitchen, I felt like I had really accomplished a huge project. I was without a range and sink for a full 4 months, so I basically "cooked" with a microwave and used disposable dishes/cutlery whenever possible. I also ate out a ton, which wasn't too good for the wallet or the waistband! I'm still really enjoying the choices I made in regards to materials and specific appliances. I know that there is a bunch still left to do in the kitchen, but I'm most likely going to tackle other areas first. I still need to install a shelf on the sink side, install baseboard trim all around the room, replace the light above the sink, replace the window blinds, replace the windows themselves, and somehow close off the area next to the pantry which now (temporarily?) houses the cat litter box. Whew, that's a LOT! Maybe I'll have half that accomplished by next year...?
2. The Bathroom
I think living without a toilet for a full week (you don't wanna know how I did it...) really makes me appreciate how far my bathroom has come this past year! The paint color is probably the most noticeable change (from pee yellow - ceilings included! - to a calming grey), but having an unsoiled toilet, a sink that's not only pretty but actually attached to the wall (!!), and the removal of the black moldy caulk, really complete the image :) Again, still a LOT to do until I feel like the bathroom will be complete...replacing the plastic tub surround with tile, fixing the window frame, and installing a fan are the big ones. But I'd also like to replace the shower fixtures, the medicine cabinet, and the light above it, and replace that one strip of base trim that I royally screwed up with nails!
3. The Garage
Clearing the creepy "bonus room" out of the garage was a huge deal, and one I'm glad I got out of the way early on. I was willing to let this go for a while because I felt a lot of other projects were more pressing, but my friend Todd offered to knock down the room for me one day, and I'm so happy I took him up on that! Then, when I rented the drop box and a bunch of other friends came over to help clear out all the crap, I had a clean slate to work with. Admittedly, it looks like a typical garage full of "stuff" right now, but without that space (and the cool storage units from my grandma) the house would still be full of boxes, and I would still be doing laundry with barely any room to move. I have a ton of stuff in there that's slated for a yard sale, or donation, or recycling, so when I have time I'll sort that all out and the garage will be nice and roomy again!
4. The Floors
The very first project I did when I got the keys to the house was ripping up the carpet and refinishing the hardwood floors underneath. I did the refinishing myself, which accounts for the not-so-professional look to it, but whatever, I saved a good $1,500 by doing it that way! I've always been a fan of hardwood, and it immediately made the house look less "cheap". I also replaced the bathroom floor (oy, that was a nightmare) with vinyl tile...which I'll definitely want to redo one day. It didn't turn out quite that great, but again, super cheap! Like, $20 cheap. Woohoo! The vinyl tile I installed in the kitchen was another story...these tiles were more expensive, but sturdier, groutable (which I think was key to making it look like a nice floor), and because the tiles were rectangular instead of square, I think it gave it a more high end look. Still cheap though (compared to stone, wood, ceramic tile, etc)!
5. Paint
You all have heard me talk about it a bunch already, but every single interior surface of the house was covered in a grimy yellowish-white color when I first got the keys. Well, since then, I've primed pretty much everything, and have now painted most of the walls! It looks SO SO much better! It definitely changes the entire feel of the house and makes it feel much more welcoming. I don't know if I've chosen all of the right colors, but the cool thing is that painting is one of the cheapest (and kinda easiest) things you can do to change a room. I still need to paint the hallway and the spare bedroom (for which I have both cans of paint...just gotta get to it!), and I do need to someday paint all of the door and base trims around the entire house.
Now that I've compiled all of the big stuff in a list...wow! I guess I have done a lot over the past year! And by "I", I mean "my friends and I" because seriously, how in the hell could I have done all of this on my own?? I would probably still be sitting in a room with yellowed walls and dingy carpet if I hadn't had the help, encouragement, and support (physical and mental...and monetary!) from my friends and family. There are still times when I think I'm crazy for taking this on, but over the past year I've also had a lot of moments where I feel like I made a great investment and I get excited about the future.
And speaking of the future...here are the projects I hope to accomplish in the coming year (or two...)!
- Backyard - this one's a doozy
- Exterior paint - also of doozy caliber
- Roof - I think you know what I am going to say here
Some pictures for fun!
Until next time!
My top 5 projects from the past year:
1. The Kitchen
When I finally had a fully functioning kitchen, I felt like I had really accomplished a huge project. I was without a range and sink for a full 4 months, so I basically "cooked" with a microwave and used disposable dishes/cutlery whenever possible. I also ate out a ton, which wasn't too good for the wallet or the waistband! I'm still really enjoying the choices I made in regards to materials and specific appliances. I know that there is a bunch still left to do in the kitchen, but I'm most likely going to tackle other areas first. I still need to install a shelf on the sink side, install baseboard trim all around the room, replace the light above the sink, replace the window blinds, replace the windows themselves, and somehow close off the area next to the pantry which now (temporarily?) houses the cat litter box. Whew, that's a LOT! Maybe I'll have half that accomplished by next year...?
2. The Bathroom
I think living without a toilet for a full week (you don't wanna know how I did it...) really makes me appreciate how far my bathroom has come this past year! The paint color is probably the most noticeable change (from pee yellow - ceilings included! - to a calming grey), but having an unsoiled toilet, a sink that's not only pretty but actually attached to the wall (!!), and the removal of the black moldy caulk, really complete the image :) Again, still a LOT to do until I feel like the bathroom will be complete...replacing the plastic tub surround with tile, fixing the window frame, and installing a fan are the big ones. But I'd also like to replace the shower fixtures, the medicine cabinet, and the light above it, and replace that one strip of base trim that I royally screwed up with nails!
3. The Garage
Clearing the creepy "bonus room" out of the garage was a huge deal, and one I'm glad I got out of the way early on. I was willing to let this go for a while because I felt a lot of other projects were more pressing, but my friend Todd offered to knock down the room for me one day, and I'm so happy I took him up on that! Then, when I rented the drop box and a bunch of other friends came over to help clear out all the crap, I had a clean slate to work with. Admittedly, it looks like a typical garage full of "stuff" right now, but without that space (and the cool storage units from my grandma) the house would still be full of boxes, and I would still be doing laundry with barely any room to move. I have a ton of stuff in there that's slated for a yard sale, or donation, or recycling, so when I have time I'll sort that all out and the garage will be nice and roomy again!
4. The Floors
The very first project I did when I got the keys to the house was ripping up the carpet and refinishing the hardwood floors underneath. I did the refinishing myself, which accounts for the not-so-professional look to it, but whatever, I saved a good $1,500 by doing it that way! I've always been a fan of hardwood, and it immediately made the house look less "cheap". I also replaced the bathroom floor (oy, that was a nightmare) with vinyl tile...which I'll definitely want to redo one day. It didn't turn out quite that great, but again, super cheap! Like, $20 cheap. Woohoo! The vinyl tile I installed in the kitchen was another story...these tiles were more expensive, but sturdier, groutable (which I think was key to making it look like a nice floor), and because the tiles were rectangular instead of square, I think it gave it a more high end look. Still cheap though (compared to stone, wood, ceramic tile, etc)!
5. Paint
You all have heard me talk about it a bunch already, but every single interior surface of the house was covered in a grimy yellowish-white color when I first got the keys. Well, since then, I've primed pretty much everything, and have now painted most of the walls! It looks SO SO much better! It definitely changes the entire feel of the house and makes it feel much more welcoming. I don't know if I've chosen all of the right colors, but the cool thing is that painting is one of the cheapest (and kinda easiest) things you can do to change a room. I still need to paint the hallway and the spare bedroom (for which I have both cans of paint...just gotta get to it!), and I do need to someday paint all of the door and base trims around the entire house.
Now that I've compiled all of the big stuff in a list...wow! I guess I have done a lot over the past year! And by "I", I mean "my friends and I" because seriously, how in the hell could I have done all of this on my own?? I would probably still be sitting in a room with yellowed walls and dingy carpet if I hadn't had the help, encouragement, and support (physical and mental...and monetary!) from my friends and family. There are still times when I think I'm crazy for taking this on, but over the past year I've also had a lot of moments where I feel like I made a great investment and I get excited about the future.
And speaking of the future...here are the projects I hope to accomplish in the coming year (or two...)!
- Backyard - this one's a doozy
- Exterior paint - also of doozy caliber
- Roof - I think you know what I am going to say here
Some pictures for fun!
The house last year |
This morning! Please ignore the Christmas light clips still on the gutters...the lawn looks a lot better though! |
Remember that little front yard project from back in March? |
Blooms!! Lots of weeds also...but look at the pretty flowers! |
Until next time!
House Exterior,
Year in review
Thursday, June 6, 2013
I'm Alive!
Wow you guys...it's been over a month since I've updated this bad boy! I blame it on vacation, settling into the new job, and well, general laziness :P I have done a thing or two to the place though, check it out!
I really enjoyed my vacation to see my dad and family on the east coast, as well as spending the weekend in Chicago on the way back visiting my friend Chris. My new job is going really well so far! All of the people are cool, and most importantly, it's NOT my old job :P
I have a busy month coming up - Wendy's bachelorette party, the Tough Mudder, Sarah's birthday, beer fest volunteering...and mid-July Wendy & Adam are gettin' hitched! I don't know how much time I'll have to devote to the house but you all will be the first to know about any more updates! :)
- Backsplash
As promised, I'm finally going to reveal my super secret backsplash! It's an unconventional material for a backsplash. Can you guess what it is?
Much better than before! |
Colorized! |
Color up close |
- Towel Bar
I finally put up another towel bar in the bathroom...this one's for hand towels (oooh fancy!)
Oy what a mess! |
![]() |
Finito! |
- Paint
I painted the living room! I squeezed 2 coats out of one gallon of paint (it's a fairly big room!). It looks a lot like the bathroom color in these pictures...but it's actually more of a brown grey. I'm happy with it! I chose from the same color family as the kitchen, so they bounce off each other well.
![]() |
Before... |
![]() |
After! |
Other corner of the room |
- Backyard
I was a bad homeowner and hadn't touched the backyard since....last summer :-/ Needless to say, it was very literally a jungle out there. I honestly don't know how I would have been able to tackle it myself (didn't have all the right tools for one thing), and after talking with one of my new coworkers, I decided to hire her (very reasonable!) gardener for a one time clear-out. It was SO SO worth it!
I mean, literally, the grass was 4 feet tall... |
Now the grass looks like crap, but at least I can walk around out there! |
I really enjoyed my vacation to see my dad and family on the east coast, as well as spending the weekend in Chicago on the way back visiting my friend Chris. My new job is going really well so far! All of the people are cool, and most importantly, it's NOT my old job :P
I have a busy month coming up - Wendy's bachelorette party, the Tough Mudder, Sarah's birthday, beer fest volunteering...and mid-July Wendy & Adam are gettin' hitched! I don't know how much time I'll have to devote to the house but you all will be the first to know about any more updates! :)
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
Checking In
Hey all! Well, this past weekend I had plans to physically do stuff with the kitchen, but then my trip to Ikea with Wendy...well, you know how those go :) I did make purchases directly related to the kitchen though! It's just the installation phase that never got completed. I still also need to make a backsplash-related decision before that will be finished, and I'll be able to do the big reveal! In other news, I've been dog-sitting for the past week +, which has been quite an adventure :) It made me realize that even though I now have the space, and now that I no longer have a landlord dictating the choice, I am not ready for a dog!
Kahlua wasn't a happy camper, but she got over it after a day or so. They even will put their faces next to each other without her hissing or him barking! He goes back to his mommy this evening, and then it's back to normal for me. I'm not sure how much I'll get done this weekend, if anything, because it's my last weekend before I go visit my Dad on the east coast. Plus, if you haven't heard the news already, next week is my last week at my current job! I start my new job the day after I get back from my trip. So basically, this weekend/next week will be busy and emotional. Oh and also I'm watching Wendy's dogs while she's in Disneyland. Oh and also I'm jealous that Wendy's going to Disneyland again :)
Aww but look how cute he is... |
Kahlua wasn't a happy camper, but she got over it after a day or so. They even will put their faces next to each other without her hissing or him barking! He goes back to his mommy this evening, and then it's back to normal for me. I'm not sure how much I'll get done this weekend, if anything, because it's my last weekend before I go visit my Dad on the east coast. Plus, if you haven't heard the news already, next week is my last week at my current job! I start my new job the day after I get back from my trip. So basically, this weekend/next week will be busy and emotional. Oh and also I'm watching Wendy's dogs while she's in Disneyland. Oh and also I'm jealous that Wendy's going to Disneyland again :)
I had a plan to have a big party for my 30th birthday at my house, which will be the weekend after I get back from my trip/the weekend after the first week at my new job, but with all that's going on I think I'll do something else, and instead have a big party for my 1-year House-aversary sometime in late June! Hopefully I'll have a ton more done on the house by then too, and it can be my official housewarming party :)
Monday, April 8, 2013
Happy Spring!
Hellooooo! Is anyone still out there? There hasn't been much to say lately, so I wouldn't blame you if you stopped following along! I did actually make some progress this weekend though - long overdue (like, LOOOOOOONG overdue) - I mowed the lawn...for the first time since last summer! It was really bad...a good foot high in places. I don't have a before picture because it was just too embarrassing :P I will say it was so bad that I got a lawn care business card stuck in my mail box...oof!
See all those clumps of grass? Yeah, I don't know what to do with them...they'll probably just die and fertilize the lawn. Those purple flowers were a nice surprise! I honestly wouldn't pin the previous owner for someone with a green thumb, but there are bulbs everywhere in the front of the house, and it's really pretty! Who knew!
In other news...Wendy came over last night and helped me with phase 1 of the kitchen backsplash! That's right, progress has been made in the kitchen :) I thought about posting a couple of pictures of what it looks like so far, but ultimately decided that I'll just post a bunch of progress pics when the whole thing is done. The hardest part is definitely over, but some decisions need to be made before the next phase can be completed. I'm going to try and get a bunch done before I leave for my NY/PA/IL trip in just under a month...I'm planning on having a big party for my birthday and I won't have much time after the trip to prepare! Commence - April house blitz!
Freshly mowed! |
See all those clumps of grass? Yeah, I don't know what to do with them...they'll probably just die and fertilize the lawn. Those purple flowers were a nice surprise! I honestly wouldn't pin the previous owner for someone with a green thumb, but there are bulbs everywhere in the front of the house, and it's really pretty! Who knew!
In other news...Wendy came over last night and helped me with phase 1 of the kitchen backsplash! That's right, progress has been made in the kitchen :) I thought about posting a couple of pictures of what it looks like so far, but ultimately decided that I'll just post a bunch of progress pics when the whole thing is done. The hardest part is definitely over, but some decisions need to be made before the next phase can be completed. I'm going to try and get a bunch done before I leave for my NY/PA/IL trip in just under a month...I'm planning on having a big party for my birthday and I won't have much time after the trip to prepare! Commence - April house blitz!
Thursday, March 21, 2013
The Evolution of a Pantry
So way back last fall when I was installing the kitchen floor, I didn't complete the part where the pantry was going to go. I had grand ideas that I was going to knock out the wall that made the little broom closet separate from where the refrigerator used to go, therefore making a big, luxurious pantry. Well, after crunching the numbers and figuring out how annoying/difficult/expensive it would be to knock out that little wall, I decided just to keep it (for the foreseeable future). My friends had already helped me demo the door to the broom closet, so now it's just an open icky thing that I keep the litter box in for now...gross, I know!
Annnnnyways, I ordered some shelving, and over this past week I finally finished that little part of the floor and set up my new pantry!
So now that the flooring was finished, I was able to set up the shelving and semi-organize my pantry goods. Below, you will see what I lived with for an embarrassing amount of time...
So there you have it! Also, not sure if you can tell in these washed out pictures, but the pantry area is painted a creamy off white/sandy color for a bit of contrast from the grey/blue of the rest of the kitchen. It looks much cooler in person, I promise :) Off to the right, you can see the "broom closet" which I will have to figure out what to do with. Short of hiring someone to come re-build a door onto it, I'm thinking a pretty curtain to introduce pattern to the space, which could look really cool if I do it right!
I know I'm in dire need of base trim...but I think I'll tackle the backsplash first (yes, that's right, I still haven't gotten to it...). Sometimes I feel panicked that I'm not completing these projects fast enough, but then I'll go back and look at my archives and see that wow, I really have done a lot! I can also thank my friends for helping me notice that :)
Annnnnyways, I ordered some shelving, and over this past week I finally finished that little part of the floor and set up my new pantry!
Unfinished pantry floor |
Tiles with spacers |
Grouted! |
So now that the flooring was finished, I was able to set up the shelving and semi-organize my pantry goods. Below, you will see what I lived with for an embarrassing amount of time...
I'm not proud of this... |
Perfect fit! |
It won't stay this organized for long...I can promise that! |
I know I'm in dire need of base trim...but I think I'll tackle the backsplash first (yes, that's right, I still haven't gotten to it...). Sometimes I feel panicked that I'm not completing these projects fast enough, but then I'll go back and look at my archives and see that wow, I really have done a lot! I can also thank my friends for helping me notice that :)
Monday, March 11, 2013
Little Bit O' Yard Work
Before...ish...this was after quite a bit of work actually... |
This was about half the amount of rocks we pulled out |
After! |
That was pretty much it for housework this past week. I have purchased my backsplash but I'm keeping it a surprise until I put it up! I'm aiming for this weekend but you know how that goes...
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
Painted Kitchen?!
Here's a sneak peek at the painted kitchen!
Slightly wet paint and only one coat. It's a blue-ish grey, and I painted the little alcove where the pantry will go a creamy yellow/white color (not pictured, obviously!) The great and powerful Wendy helped with this paint job as well, although I think I'm on my own for coat #2 :) I will have to steal Wendy again so she can take awesome pictures once it's all done! I'm not having the easiest time locating the backsplash I want to use (although I haven't been looking too incredibly hard yet) but hopefully that will be done soon too!
Oooooh! Aaaaaah! |
Slightly wet paint and only one coat. It's a blue-ish grey, and I painted the little alcove where the pantry will go a creamy yellow/white color (not pictured, obviously!) The great and powerful Wendy helped with this paint job as well, although I think I'm on my own for coat #2 :) I will have to steal Wendy again so she can take awesome pictures once it's all done! I'm not having the easiest time locating the backsplash I want to use (although I haven't been looking too incredibly hard yet) but hopefully that will be done soon too!
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
A Productive President's Day
I had the day off yesterday, woo hoo! I conned Wendy and Adam into coming over so they could help me with the house :) Wendy and I tackled the priming of the kitchen walls and ceiling:
It might be hard to tell, but all of the walls and the ceiling were essentially the color of the blinds that you see in the after picture...that same nasty yellowish-white that the entire house was when I started with it! The backsplash will cover the part that wasn't primed. Now the question is...which color(s) will I go with for the walls?? I think I'll stick with some shade of white for the ceiling though.
I mean seriously, it's a huge difference. The yard looks so much bigger now too! I'll still need to get rid of those other piles of yard waste, and then who knows? Maybe I'll have the initiative to actually plant stuff for this coming summer!
And now for the negative part...my furnace started blowing cold air last weekend. I tried what I could to fix it on my own (replaced the filter, re-set it based on the instructions on the inside panel) but resigned myself to calling in a professional. It turns out it was the circuit board failing, and it won't be cheap :( But I need heat, right? Boo! Houses are expensive!
Well, I don't have too busy of a weekend coming up. If I can decide on a wall color for the kitchen and/or living room this week then I'll hopefully be able to check that off my list by the end of February!
Oooo la la! Fancy pants indeed! |
Before |
After! |
It might be hard to tell, but all of the walls and the ceiling were essentially the color of the blinds that you see in the after picture...that same nasty yellowish-white that the entire house was when I started with it! The backsplash will cover the part that wasn't primed. Now the question is...which color(s) will I go with for the walls?? I think I'll stick with some shade of white for the ceiling though.
While we were in the kitchen, Adam offered to rip out all of the blackberry bushes in the back yard! For some reason I don't have a before picture...what is wrong with me?? Well, imagine if you will, tall dense blackberry bushes covering the entire back fence area. Here's how it looked after Adam had his way with it:
Die blackberries! Die! |
I mean seriously, it's a huge difference. The yard looks so much bigger now too! I'll still need to get rid of those other piles of yard waste, and then who knows? Maybe I'll have the initiative to actually plant stuff for this coming summer!
And now for the negative part...my furnace started blowing cold air last weekend. I tried what I could to fix it on my own (replaced the filter, re-set it based on the instructions on the inside panel) but resigned myself to calling in a professional. It turns out it was the circuit board failing, and it won't be cheap :( But I need heat, right? Boo! Houses are expensive!
Well, I don't have too busy of a weekend coming up. If I can decide on a wall color for the kitchen and/or living room this week then I'll hopefully be able to check that off my list by the end of February!
Friday, February 1, 2013
Garage = Semi-Organized!
What?? I actually did something productive recently!? I'm having people over tonight, so I took this morning off work to clean and tackle the mess that is my garage. Here's what it looked like when I got started:
And after, with my super awesome shelving storage units that my grandma got me for Christmas:
Now I'll admit, those aren't all my boxes...I still have some that are filled with things to sell/donate all the way on the other side of the garage. And I really should go through all those boxes you see above because I'm sure they're filled with all sorts of useless stuff that I can rid myself of. It was nice to get everything up off the floor though. Garage organization part 2 will happen sometime in February...I promise!!
Box labyrinth! |
And after, with my super awesome shelving storage units that my grandma got me for Christmas:
Box tetris! |
Now I'll admit, those aren't all my boxes...I still have some that are filled with things to sell/donate all the way on the other side of the garage. And I really should go through all those boxes you see above because I'm sure they're filled with all sorts of useless stuff that I can rid myself of. It was nice to get everything up off the floor though. Garage organization part 2 will happen sometime in February...I promise!!
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
Sorta-Kinda Productive Weekend
So I did something. Which is more than nothing. But not nearly as much as I should have. And the things that I did were things I should have done a long time ago!
I think the biggest reason I'm avoiding priming the kitchen walls is because it will be such an ordeal! I won't be able to just start painting. I'll have to wipe down the walls first, cover everything in drop cloths, tape off certain areas, and move the refrigerator and THEN I can start painting. Excuses, I know, but valid excuses! Maybe this Sunday? Hopefully this Sunday!
- I finally put the sealant on my butcherblock countertops. This will prevent water stains and it makes the wood look a bit richer. All in all, I put 4 coats on, with an average of 3 hours dry time between each coat.
I couldn't find a decent before picture...tsk tsk |
- I finally attached the metal "toe-kick" thing on my dishwasher. The guy who installed it said I should get this plastic thing to separate the wires (??? I really don't know) and after many failed attempts of trying to find what he was talking about and also almost losing a blueberry under the exposed part, I figured I'd finally just attach the darn thing.
- I finally took my Christmas lights down from the house exterior. I couldn't quite reach all the gutter clips though so it still looks a bit ghetto.
Friday, January 18, 2013
Long Weekend Ahead!
Can you see it?
Eh? |
Can you see the frost on my terribly un-mowed lawn? There was some on the roof too. I'm excited for the day when an inch or two blankets the house...it will look so cozy! Is there anything I need to know about snow and houses?
Anyways, I have Monday off for MLK JR day and I'm taking votes on what I should do:
- Organize the garage
- Prime the kitchen walls
- Sleep in and watch TV
Annnnd go!
Monday, January 7, 2013
Checking In
Hello all! Well, it's been a week and a half since my last post and nothing, nada, zilch has happened with the house in that time. Well, besides me making my first lasagna ever! Here's a picture, since the blog has been severely lacking in the image department lately:
This past weekend I helped my super best friends Wendy and Adam move into their very own house (rental) here in Portland, which makes me very excited! Now that they'll be living in town, maybe I can trick them into coming over and helping more often? :) Actually, I think it would behoove me to make another renovation schedule because I definitely think it helped kick my butt into gear last time. Plus, recent weekends have been unusually nice and not rainy out, so it's hard to force myself to do non-fun stuff when I could be doing fun stuff :) I definitely think that because the rest of the things I need to do are almost purely aesthetic, I'm not getting that sense of urgency I had with getting the kitchen functional. So any motivation ideas are greatly appreciated!
Yummm! |
This past weekend I helped my super best friends Wendy and Adam move into their very own house (rental) here in Portland, which makes me very excited! Now that they'll be living in town, maybe I can trick them into coming over and helping more often? :) Actually, I think it would behoove me to make another renovation schedule because I definitely think it helped kick my butt into gear last time. Plus, recent weekends have been unusually nice and not rainy out, so it's hard to force myself to do non-fun stuff when I could be doing fun stuff :) I definitely think that because the rest of the things I need to do are almost purely aesthetic, I'm not getting that sense of urgency I had with getting the kitchen functional. So any motivation ideas are greatly appreciated!
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