That's right, back from Disneyland! I had way too much fun, sometimes I wonder why I don't just pack up and move down there! Oh that's right, because I bought my project house :P Well after being gone last weekend, and being under the weather this weekend, of course nothing got done on the house. Although, I did put up some Halloween decorations! I have to say, I'm VERY excited to get trick-or-treaters! I live about a block away from an elementary school, so I'm hoping that means I'll get TONS of them! :) I have yet to ask a neighbor about the usual volume of kids, but I'm sure I'll be buying way too much candy anyways :)
And the spider lights up! |
I suppose I should mow the lawn before the big night, and maybe rake all of the leaves (that means I need to buy a rake!) I'll need to replace that ratty doormat before Halloween too :) Oh and it turns out the grout I need to use for the kitchen floor (or at least the one that is recommended) is only a special-order item from Home Depot, so that will need to happen this week. I hope to have more updates for you all soon!