Monday, June 25, 2012


Hello to friends, family, and random people who have stumbled across this blog :) I will officially be a first time homeowner as of tomorrow! I signed the paperwork last week, but I won't have the keys for another day or so (it's a long story, I may delve into it at a later date). I will still be renting my current apartment for roughly 5 more weeks so that I'll be able to move over to the new place slowly and get as many of the big, difficult projects out of the way as possible before I officially reside there.

A little background about me: I'm currently working full time in an office job as well as part time at a gym. I also have been going back to school for Interior Design for the past couple of years! It's been slow going...with all of my other obligations, I have only been able to take one course per term, but I'm getting the itch to do as much hands-on stuff as possible. Since I'm still relatively early on in the program, I don't have a ton of experience yet so this new house will really be my "Project House", a place where I can experiment with design, color, and DIY projects as well as learn practical things such as woodworking, electrical, and plumbing (that stuff scares me a bit though!)

By following this blog, you should be able to get a glimpse into a first-timer's attempt at making a fixer-upper beautiful. I can promise a lot of mistakes and hopefully a lot of successes! I will try to at least post weekly with updates on my progress, and I'll include pictures whenever possible.

I hope you enjoy following along!



  1. Congratulations and good luck, Megan! The Family Handyman website might be a good reference. I subscribe to the magazine and get good info from it. Here is the website:
    Happy DIY'ing :)

    Elaine Horsley
